Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mount Democrat 14,148'

We climbed our first 14er of the season!! Shawn called me at work the day before and said conditions would be good, some other folks have already climbed them, let's go. So, we finished work, packed up, drove to the trailhead, spent the night, and were at the top within 24 hours! This picture was taken 2 miles in at "Kite Lake", but the lake is obviously iced up and covered in snow! As you can see, it's a little cold. This is me, in case you can't recognize me :)!

We have to climb up to the top of this ridge and then, follow it up all the way to the left in this picture. This isn't the peak. Once you get to the top of this, there is a flat part, and then, ~200 more feet to go.

Here we are at the top! We made it!!

This is taken at the top. See the closest peak at the top on the far right. Just to the left of that in the distance is Mount Lincoln. We will try to catch that one next weekend!

More views from the top.
There is a 13er here somewhere in the distance that we will also climb sometime in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Both of you are really enjoying it,,,,that's good
