Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Uncompahgre Peak 14,309'

From the Top! This is looking at Wetterhorn from Uncompahgre.... The one we did yesterday...
More views from the top...

Here we are at the top! YAY!! This is the tallest one we have done this year!

Not a cloud in the sky!!!
Here it is again... That's Shawn in the distance...
Looking through the "windows" of the mountains' ridge of Uncompahgre...
Can you see Wetterhorn? Windy, eh?
This is cool - even though the picture is fuzzy... We got up early to start this hike, because it was like 13 miles roundtrip, and we saw deer on this ridge in the shadows during sunrise... It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Good job to Shawn for spotting them first!
The end - for Uncompagre anyway... :)!

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