Hiking through the valley....
Our first view of Lindsey peaking out at the right.... Iron Nipple on the left...
The moon is still out.
Views of Lindsey on the right and Iron Nipple on the left
On the ridge going up to the top of Lindsey.... You can't tell, but it was SUPER WINDY!!!
Views from the top!
Here we are at the top... the peak behind me is named Blanca Peak - named after my Grandmother (mom's side) because she was so pretty!
This picture is of Huerfano peak (where we are going next)
Going around the Iron Nipple to get to Huerfano
Luckily, we don't have to go over this.
This is from the top of Huerfano looking at Lindsey... Sure does look different from this side!
Pretty Blanca Peak in the distance.
We made it... Huerfano actually seemed harder and longer than Lindsey!
Tomorrow we go to the Crestones' (jagged peaks on right)... Here they are at a distance....
Very pretty pics to keep along w/the pic of both of you enjoying every hicking. That Blanca peak is pretty. My Mom was too, I know she was.